Wspólnik w BO Communications, agencji komunikacji, marketingu i PR obsługującej rynek usług profesjonalnych, w szczególności prawnych.
Rich Dibbins
Conscious SolutionsConscious Solutions
Rich joined the Conscious Solutions in 2012 and has worked with 100s of law firms on their digital marketing strategies including website design, email marketing, lead conversion, social media, SEO, PPC & CRM. Recently graduated Google’s Squared Online Advanced Digital Marketing course.
Piotr Kochański
Kochański Zięba i PartnerzyKochański Zięba i Partnerzy
Adwokat, założyciel i Partner Zarządzający KZP. Prowadził głośne, precedensowe sprawy o ochronę własności intelektualnej i przemysłowej, transfery technologii, projekty finansowania przedsięwzięć gospodarczych, procesy prywatyzacyjne oraz duże, często wielojurysdykcyjne procesy gospodarcze przed sądami powszechnymi i w arbitrażu w okresie transformacji systemowej w Polsce w latach 90.
Michał Sadowski
Założyciel i Prezes Brand24 S.A. – firmy zajmującej się monitoringiem Internetu.
Jeden z laureatów konkursu Aulery 2012 oraz Ekomersy 2012. Startup Founder of the Year w konkursie The Next Web Startup Awards 2013.
dr Rudolf Ostrihansky
Sołtysiński Kawecki & SzlęzakSołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
Partner zarządzający, radca prawny. Specjalizuje się w transakcjach przejęć oraz finansowych, w tym kredytowych oraz konwersji długu na kapitał ryzyka.
Beata Okowiak
BO CommunicationsBO Communications
Wspólnik w BO Communications, agencji komunikacji, marketingu i PR obsługującej rynek usług profesjonalnych, w szczególności prawnych. Posiada ponad 10-letnie doświadczenie w marketingu B2B, komunikacji i zarządzaniu projektami, które zdobywała zajmując stanowiska managerskie w dużych firmach.
Ewa Gajewska
BO CommunicationsBO Communications
Wspólnik w BO Communications, agencji komunikacji, marketingu i PR obsługującej rynek usług profesjonalnych, w szczególności prawnych.
Joanna Daniłowicz
Radca prawny. Ekspert w zakresie zarządzania ryzykiem prawnym. Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Posiada kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w pracy dla kilku międzynarodowych kancelarii. Zajmowała się głównie doradzaniem przy transakcjach (M&A oraz Private Equity) oraz zarządzaniem ryzykiem prawnym przedsiębiorstw.
Aneta Pacek-Łopalewska
Specjalizuje się w prawie ochrony środowiska. Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Posiada tytuł LL.M w zakresie prawa amerykańskiego. Jest także adwokatem Stanu Nowy Jork.
Tomasz Zalewski
Bird & BirdBird & Bird
Tomasz Zalewski is a valued specialist in the field of projects related to public procurement law, new technologies and intellectual property law. Managing partner in the Commercial department at the Bird & Bird office in Warsaw.
Przemysław Maciak
Sójka Maciak MataczyńskiSójka Maciak Mataczyński
Adwokat. Partner Zarządzający SMM Legal.
Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM w Poznaniu. Członek Wielkopolskiej Izby Adwokackiej od 1999 r. Był stypendystą Uniwersytetu Oxfordzkiego (1999) oraz Instytutu TMC Assera w Hadze.
Piotr Zimmerman
Zimmerman i WspólnicyZimmerman i Wspólnicy
Licencjonowany doradca restrukturyzacyjny, Prezes Zarządu Zimmerman Filipiak Restrukturyzacja S.A. Założyciel i partner kancelarii Zimmerman i Wspólnicy sp.k.
Rafał Chmielewski
Rafał Chmielewski, autor poradnika „Pamiętnik Adwokata – Blog w nowoczesnej kancelarii prawnej”, twórca web.lex i współtwórca dziesiątków najlepszych blogów prawniczych w Polsce i za granicą, uczestnik konferencji, autor artykułów prasowych, bloger prawniczy od 2008 roku, autor blogów: „Pamiętnik Adwokata”, „Ja, Przedsiębiorca”, „Amazing Law Blog”. Wcześniej konsultant podatkowy w KPMG.
Bartłomiej Raczkowski
Raczkowski ParuchRaczkowski Paruch
Adwokat, założyciel kancelarii. Jest wiceprzewodniczącym Zarządu European Employment Lawyers Association, założycielem Stowarzyszenia Prawa Pracy, Członkiem komitetu sterującego w Międzynarodowym Forum Prawa Pracy, Przewodniczącym Sekcji Prawa Pracy Warszawskiej Rady Adwokackiej oraz członkiem kolegium redakcyjnego Monitora Prawa Pracy.
Patryk Filipiak
Założył i współprowadzi kancelarię FILIPIAKBABICZ.
Specjalizuje się w obszarze prawa upadłościowego, restrukturyzacji, M&A oraz prawa spółek handlowych.
Michał Babicz
Adwokat i partner zarządzający w kancelarii FilipiakBabicz Kancelaria Prawna.
W swojej praktyce zawodowej od wielu lat specjalizuje się w regulowaniu stanu prawnego nieruchomości oraz zabezpieczaniu interesów, zarówno polskich jak i zagranicznych podmiotów, występujących we wszystkich etapach procesu inwestycyjnego, w szeroko pojętej branży budowlanej.
Ewa Rutkowska
KRK Kieszkowska Rutkowska KolasińskiKRK Kieszkowska Rutkowska Kolasiński
Adwokat Ewa Rutkowska jest ekspertem w dziedzinie prawa farmaceutycznego, prawa ochrony zdrowia i odpowiedzialności za produkt. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu sporów sądowych z zakresu odpowiedzialności za produkt, w tym w głośnych sprawach związanych ze światowym wycofaniem produktów z rynku. Reprezentuje także klientów w innych sprawach w postępowaniach przed sądami powszechnymi i trybunałami arbitrażowymi.
Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik
KRK Kieszkowska Rutkowska KolasińskiKRK Kieszkowska Rutkowska Kolasiński
Adwokat Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik doradza przedsiębiorcom i organizacjom branżowym w zakresie prawa ochrony zdrowia, w tym zwłaszcza prawa farmaceutycznego, ustawy refundacyjnej i ustawy o działalności leczniczej. Paulina jest również współzałożycielką Fundacji Lege Pharmaciae, organizacji pozarządowej powstałej w celu analizowania i poddawania debacie publicznej regulacji prawnych w sektorze ochrony zdrowia.
Jarosław Gwizdak
Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-ZachódSąd Rejonowy Katowice-Zachód
Sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Katowice – Zachód w Katowicach, od 1 maja 2013 r. do 30 kwietnia 2017r. – prezes sądu
Pomysłodawca cyklu konferencji TEDx Katowice pod hasłem „TEDx Lex”
Idan Nishlis
Nishlis Legal MarketingNishlis Legal Marketing
Idan Nishlis is the legal marketing pioneer in Israel. Being the only professional in the country to have studied services marketing, specializing in legal marketing, Idan has the most diversified and comprehensive work experience in the field, having worked in the US and Israel.
Daniel Halan
Chief Technology Officer
Daniel is the lead software architect at LEX247 and knows the platform inside and out. Before co-founding LEX247 Daniel was system and solution architect at CGI (Logica) and spearheaded projects based on Microsoft Dynamics, SharePoint and Azure for the Swedish and UAE governments among many others. LEX247 is now used by many of the world’s leading law firms.
Mariusz Kowalski
Kancelaria MagnussonKancelaria Magnusson
Partner / Chief Marketing Officer Magnusson
Expert in marketing of professional services with more than 15 years of experience in the legal sector, gained in both Poland and on the international markets. Part of the team which has been developing Magnusson on numerous markets, including Scandinavia and the Baltics. Managed hundreds of cross-border projects. Added MBA degree to his experience. Member of the Professional Marketing Forum in London since 2006.
Orsolya Görgényi
Szecskay Attorneys at LawSzecskay Attorneys at Law
Orsolya is a partner at Szecskay Attorneys at Law, an independent Hungarian law firm with international clients. She is based in Budapest and specializes in international transactions, M&A, corporate and commercial law.
Olga Usenko
Yuridicheskaya Practika PublishingYuridicheskaya Practika Publishing
Legal Practice Publishing, Head of International and Domestic Research Programs (Kyiv, Ukraine). Member of the judging panel of the Ukrainian Legal Awards
Jarmila Hanzalová
PRK PartnersPRK Partners
Lawyer in one of the leading Czech law firms – PRK Partners. A graduate of the Charles University in Prague and the University of Cardiff, where she studied, among others, European law and international law. Scholarship holder of the scholarly at the Magnusson law firm.
Wojciech Gołębiowski
Position of founder and CEO of Veronym company is a vital corollary of his previous experience. Wojciech gained expert knowledge from the biggest – to mention only Palo Alto Networks, Cisco Systems, EMC and Riverbed Technology. During the past 17 years he proved his skills in strategic projects supporting the giants and last 7 years kept him focused on rapidly fast growing demand in the area of cyber security.
Yaroslav Romanchuk
EUCON Legal GroupEUCON Legal Group
Andrii Romanchuk
EUCON Legal GroupEUCON Legal Group
Partner at EUCON Legal Group. He provides legal assistance to international companies with entering the Ukrainian market. He also helps large domestic companies with entering new European markets. He provides legal assistance taking into account all business activities, needs and wishes of clients.
Professor habilitated doctor and attorney Maciej Gutowski
Dean of the District Bar Council in PoznańDean of the District Bar Council in Poznań
Arkadiusz Chludziński
Sandler Training / Sales PistolsSandler Training / Sales Pistols
He has over 10 years of experience in conducting business development activities. He worked in such companies as Orange Polska (Account Manager), Deloitte (Business Development Coordinator) and PwC (Head of Business Development Team). He combines practical knowledge gained in the field of sales with scientific knowledge.
dr Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz
Is a person of many activities related to law, art and social life. Founder (1993) of the GESSEL law firm, which for 23 years managed as the Managing Partner of the GESSEL law firm. As the only woman, she built a law firm in the world of men
dr Barbara Jelonek-Jarco
Kubas Kos GałkowskiKubas Kos Gałkowski
Attorney, co-managing partner of Kubas Kos Gałkowski. She oversees the Office’s activities in the field of employer branding.
dr Tomasz Piekot
University of Wroclaw - Simple Polish WorkshopUniversity of Wroclaw - Simple Polish Workshop
Linguist and communicologist, interpersonal and social communication trainer, he works at the Institute of Polish Philology at the University of Wrocław. Head of the “Pracownia Prostej Polszczyzny”, in which he creates the Polish standard of “plain language” style. Author of books and guides on effective writing. For several years, simplifies the communication of banks, insurance companies, offices.
Marcin Maruta
Maruta WachtaMaruta Wachta
An expert in the field of new technologies and intellectual property law, head of the IT Contracts Department at the Law Firm. Has over 20 years of experience in advising suppliers and clients of the ICT sector. He supervised the largest technology contracts in Poland with a total value of over PLN 10 billion. Recommended in Chambers Europe, member of ITechlaw, PIIT arbitrator.
Jacek Stanisławski
Tomczak Stanisławski MarketingTomczak Stanisławski Marketing
Partner at Tomczak Stanisławski Marketing
A lawyer who specializes in lawyers’ marketing. He knows the specifics of the industry and it helps him in creating marketing strategies and designing tools to promote and build the image of the office. Professionally, he is also interested in the optimization of work processes and innovative solutions for business. He also gained experience working in law firms and as a member of management and supervisory boards.
Marcin Tomczak
Tomczak Stanisławski MarketingTomczak Stanisławski Marketing
Partner in marketing agency Tomczak | StanisナBwski specializing in advanced legal marketing. A creative marketer specializing in the internet area. He managed an interactive agency and carried out about three hundred different projects, including international ones.
Maciej Kautz
Maciej Kautz – TV & radio journalist whose smile breaks the ice. Since 2013, Maciej has been producing and hosting a talk-show in English on National Polish Radio (Polskie Radio). He studied at Appalachian State University and University of Antwerp. Maciej holds a Master of Laws degree from Adam Mickiewicz University. In 2018, he passed the qualifying exam and is now attorney-at-law in Poland.
Rich Dibbins
Conscious SolutionsConscious Solutions
Rich joined the Conscious Solutions in 2012 and has worked with 100s of law firms on their digital marketing strategies including website design, email marketing, lead conversion, social media, SEO, PPC & CRM. Recently graduated Google’s Squared Online Advanced Digital Marketing course.
Tomasz Zalewski
Bird & BirdBird & Bird
Tomasz Zalewski is a valued specialist in the field of projects related to public procurement law, new technologies and intellectual property law. Managing partner in the Commercial department at the Bird & Bird office in Warsaw.
Idan Nishlis
Nishlis Legal MarketingNishlis Legal Marketing
Idan Nishlis is the legal marketing pioneer in Israel. Being the only professional in the country to have studied services marketing, specializing in legal marketing, Idan has the most diversified and comprehensive work experience in the field, having worked in the US and Israel.
Daniel Halan
Chief Technology Officer
Daniel is the lead software architect at LEX247 and knows the platform inside and out. Before co-founding LEX247 Daniel was system and solution architect at CGI (Logica) and spearheaded projects based on Microsoft Dynamics, SharePoint and Azure for the Swedish and UAE governments among many others. LEX247 is now used by many of the world’s leading law firms.
Mariusz Kowalski
Kancelaria MagnussonKancelaria Magnusson
Partner / Chief Marketing Officer Magnusson
Expert in marketing of professional services with more than 15 years of experience in the legal sector, gained in both Poland and on the international markets. Part of the team which has been developing Magnusson on numerous markets, including Scandinavia and the Baltics. Managed hundreds of cross-border projects. Added MBA degree to his experience. Member of the Professional Marketing Forum in London since 2006.
Orsolya Görgényi
Szecskay Attorneys at LawSzecskay Attorneys at Law
Orsolya is a partner at Szecskay Attorneys at Law, an independent Hungarian law firm with international clients. She is based in Budapest and specializes in international transactions, M&A, corporate and commercial law.
Olga Usenko
Yuridicheskaya Practika PublishingYuridicheskaya Practika Publishing
Legal Practice Publishing, Head of International and Domestic Research Programs (Kyiv, Ukraine). Member of the judging panel of the Ukrainian Legal Awards
Jarmila Hanzalová
PRK PartnersPRK Partners
Lawyer in one of the leading Czech law firms – PRK Partners. A graduate of the Charles University in Prague and the University of Cardiff, where she studied, among others, European law and international law. Scholarship holder of the scholarly at the Magnusson law firm.
Wojciech Gołębiowski
Position of founder and CEO of Veronym company is a vital corollary of his previous experience. Wojciech gained expert knowledge from the biggest – to mention only Palo Alto Networks, Cisco Systems, EMC and Riverbed Technology. During the past 17 years he proved his skills in strategic projects supporting the giants and last 7 years kept him focused on rapidly fast growing demand in the area of cyber security.
Yaroslav Romanchuk
EUCON Legal GroupEUCON Legal Group
Andrii Romanchuk
EUCON Legal GroupEUCON Legal Group
Partner at EUCON Legal Group. He provides legal assistance to international companies with entering the Ukrainian market. He also helps large domestic companies with entering new European markets. He provides legal assistance taking into account all business activities, needs and wishes of clients.
Professor habilitated doctor and attorney Maciej Gutowski
Dean of the District Bar Council in PoznańDean of the District Bar Council in Poznań
Arkadiusz Chludziński
Sandler Training / Sales PistolsSandler Training / Sales Pistols
He has over 10 years of experience in conducting business development activities. He worked in such companies as Orange Polska (Account Manager), Deloitte (Business Development Coordinator) and PwC (Head of Business Development Team). He combines practical knowledge gained in the field of sales with scientific knowledge.
dr Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz
Is a person of many activities related to law, art and social life. Founder (1993) of the GESSEL law firm, which for 23 years managed as the Managing Partner of the GESSEL law firm. As the only woman, she built a law firm in the world of men
dr Barbara Jelonek-Jarco
Kubas Kos GałkowskiKubas Kos Gałkowski
Attorney, co-managing partner of Kubas Kos Gałkowski. She oversees the Office’s activities in the field of employer branding.
dr Tomasz Piekot
University of Wroclaw - Simple Polish WorkshopUniversity of Wroclaw - Simple Polish Workshop
Linguist and communicologist, interpersonal and social communication trainer, he works at the Institute of Polish Philology at the University of Wrocław. Head of the “Pracownia Prostej Polszczyzny”, in which he creates the Polish standard of “plain language” style. Author of books and guides on effective writing. For several years, simplifies the communication of banks, insurance companies, offices.
Marcin Maruta
Maruta WachtaMaruta Wachta
An expert in the field of new technologies and intellectual property law, head of the IT Contracts Department at the Law Firm. Has over 20 years of experience in advising suppliers and clients of the ICT sector. He supervised the largest technology contracts in Poland with a total value of over PLN 10 billion. Recommended in Chambers Europe, member of ITechlaw, PIIT arbitrator.
Jacek Stanisławski
Tomczak Stanisławski MarketingTomczak Stanisławski Marketing
Partner at Tomczak Stanisławski Marketing
A lawyer who specializes in lawyers’ marketing. He knows the specifics of the industry and it helps him in creating marketing strategies and designing tools to promote and build the image of the office. Professionally, he is also interested in the optimization of work processes and innovative solutions for business. He also gained experience working in law firms and as a member of management and supervisory boards.
Marcin Tomczak
Tomczak Stanisławski MarketingTomczak Stanisławski Marketing
Partner in marketing agency Tomczak | StanisナBwski specializing in advanced legal marketing. A creative marketer specializing in the internet area. He managed an interactive agency and carried out about three hundred different projects, including international ones.
Maciej Kautz
Maciej Kautz – TV & radio journalist whose smile breaks the ice. Since 2013, Maciej has been producing and hosting a talk-show in English on National Polish Radio (Polskie Radio). He studied at Appalachian State University and University of Antwerp. Maciej holds a Master of Laws degree from Adam Mickiewicz University. In 2018, he passed the qualifying exam and is now attorney-at-law in Poland.